Good Solid Advice About WordPress That Anyone Can Use

Have you come to the conclusion that you must obtain more information with regard to a blogging platform that is used by most bloggers? If yes, then this article has some good ideas and techniques you can use. Keep reading to learn the ways this tool can ease the process of blogging.

Use different designs than other blogs on WordPress. This may be tempting since it’s a time saver, but users will not be too impressed with your effort. You should have a site that showcases your individual business.

Improve the look and style of the footer on your wordpress website. This is very important as it is the first thing that your viewer is going to see. Include a short bio that includes all of your details or important links that pertain to what you want to get across.

Make sure to use both alt text and title tags. You should include alt text when adding images to your posts. This way, you can add a lot more keyword phrases to your content, and visitors who have images disabled on the computers will get a good idea of what is there.

When you use different tags for the topics on your blog, keep in mind that these are strictly for searching the content on your blog. These can’t be used by search engines. If you want your pages to be searchable on Google, you have to install an SEO type plug-in such as Headspace.

If you have a lot of comments and other content that is not adding value, delete it. That way, the site stays suitable for the interested folks who read it. An excellent plugin that can aid you in removing spam from your site on a daily basis is Akismet.

Get rid of special characters from the URLs of your blog posts. Spiderbots may have difficulty with them. You should make your URLs shorter and only use keywords.

Look into other themes for your WordPress blog. Sure WordPress comes preinstalled with a few excellent themes, but there are many more options out there. Many are free and then there are premium themes as well. These premium themes are very well designed and let you add more advanced aspects to your blog with ease, such as e-commerce plugins.

Work on making the greeting found at the beginning of your WordPress page even better. You can cultivate customer relationships this way, by including a message on top commenting on how visitors found your site. In this way, your page will seem more human, and it will be accessible via the plugin called WP Greet Box.

If you don’t like your theme, change it! There are thousands of free themes available online which allow you to quickly and easily change the look of your site without having to know much about HTML coding. Be sure to choose themes from reputable sites to ensure they don’t affect the security of your software.

Incorporate a social sharing plugin for your WordPress blog. Integrating social media with your blog will be a great boon to your traffic. Your users can instantly share your article through Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Look for a plugin that will allow liking and sharing, since both will be beneficial.

Consider using a password manager. Choosing a secure password for your blog is important. It’s important that your password be difficult to guess and changed regularly. Unfortunately, a password that’s hard to crack can be just as difficult for you to remember. Password managers can be used to randomly generate and keep track of your passwords.

Striving to use WordPress as a powerful blogging tool is not a difficult venture, especially now that you have more information about the many tools available to you. Remember what you’ve just learned, and make your blogging experience as simple as possible. Implementing these tips is the best thing you can do.