10 Things You Should Never Put In A Box When Moving

10 Things You Should Never Put In A Box When Moving

When it’s time to relocate, you’ll find a plethora of organisations that offer not just moving but also packing and unpacking services. It’s worth thinking about because moving companies aren’t usually responsible for damage to boxes you pack yourself. For some, the risk of damage outweighs the cost of hiring expert packers. Others simply choose to undertake the task themselves as part of the reducing and classifying of their belongings. That’s why we sought help from top Removalists Frankston crews. Continue reading to learn about the ten things you should never put in a moving box.


Money, securities, valuable paperwork, and jewellery are all examples of valuable items. Keep your valuables close to you. If they’re already safely stored in a bank safe deposit box, don’t forget to open a new one near your new house and transfer your belongings there before you move. Don’t put any of your valuables in boxes that will be transported by the moving truck. There’s no way to know if they won’t get misplaced or stolen, so keep them with you just in case. These items should ideally be kept on your person or in an essentials pack that you maintain with you during the move.


For aerosol cans, paints, and fuel, for example, enquire with your community’s hazardous waste disposal organisation on how to properly dispose of these goods. The fire department in your area can direct you in the correct direction. Household cleaners, like bleach, can produce harmful odours and even spark fires when mixed with other chemicals in the rear of the moving truck. Keep in mind that the temperature in the rear of a moving vehicle can quickly rise to dangerous levels. Chemicals can transform into dangerous or even lethal fumes at such high temperatures. Because lighter fluid is highly flammable, you should avoid packing it. It could combust and burn in the rear of a hot moving truck.


Food, plants, and other living items should not be packed and carried in a moving truck since they may spoil or die. Frozen foods, produce, opened food packages, and refrigerated food are all foods that should not be packed. Dry items in sealed packaging are usually fine. If you have extra food that you can’t eat or carry separately, consider donating it to a food bank.

Flammable Items

If you’re preparing your gardening tools to be loaded into the back of the moving truck, don’t forget to leave the fertiliser and weed killer behind. Fertilisers and weed killers, like the compounds described above, are very combustible and should not be maintained in heated temperatures, especially over the course of a long journey. Car batteries should never be transported in the rear of a moving truck because they can leak and cause a fire. Furthermore, if car batteries leak, they might cause accidents and burns to the movers.


You may need to refer to your moving paperwork at some point during the move, but you won’t be able to discover them if they’re stuffed inside dozens of boxes. If an issue happens or you have a disagreement with the mover, having your moving documentation on hand will be beneficial. Hanging files, as well as boxes or bins with built-in inserts for hanging files, are recommended by professionals such as Removalists Parramatta.


Firearms, fireworks, explosives, and dangerous chemicals are all prohibited. I sincerely hope you don’t have any of these, but if you do, contact your local police department for assistance. Many communities have a no-questions-asked policy for surrendering guns. Under no circumstances should they be left unsupervised. During a move, children become quite curious, and the last thing you want on moving day is a terrible catastrophe.


Speak with your pharmacist about transferring your medicines to your new address and how to transport them safely. Also, don’t forget about your pet’s prescriptions. Make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your paperwork and prescriptions moved to your new residence. If they’re packed inside boxes with other heavy objects, they’ll be vulnerable to harm. They might also go misplaced or become difficult to locate when you’re unpacking. If these are vital medications, they should be packed separately so that they are easily accessible.

10 Things You Should Never Pack in a Moving Truck - Better Removalists  Adelaide

Soaps And Liquids

Toiletries such as soaps, shampoos, and body washes should not be packed in boxes. They might easily leak and ruin the rest of the box’s contents during transportation. They may also get polluted, damaged, or shattered. As a result, packing such products in such a way that they are properly packed and locked inside containers that can be safely transported is always a good alternative.

Plants And Flowers

Plants and flowers in the home should not be packed in boxes. To keep huge plants from shattering, wrap them in an old bed sheet or tissue paper. If required, wrap paper around the pot’s base in the box to keep it in place. Any bumps or unexpected movements won’t break anything, slice into the roots of your plant, or injure the soil if you use shatterproof containers.

Glass Items

Glass products should never be packed in a box since they will break during transportation. Vases, glasses, mirrors, lamps, and bulbs, among other glass items, must be packed carefully to assure their complete protection. Such objects must be adequately wrapped in packing materials such as bubble wrap or paper, and then safely arranged with the other items in a manner that provides ample cushioning and stability.

Most professionals, such as Removalists Brisbane, believe that professional movers should be consulted in order to gain a better grasp of how to pack correctly throughout a move. The more important thing is to remember that a successful move is dependent on multiple factors. And the right packing is one of those factors. So, if you’re planning a move, seek expert assistance because they’ll be the finest individuals to advise you on what should and shouldn’t be packed in a box.